Over our three-year Social Equality Initiative campaign, we made donations to 33 organizations across the globe that are truly making a difference in the communities they serve. Slalom’s partnership, and to a lesser extent, our financial support has contributed to meaningful and impactful change in the trajectory of the futures of many, both seen and unseen, within our underrepresented communities.
Rob Potter
Chief Accounting Officer

Our community goals
In our 2020-2030 community impact goals, Slalom aims to make valuable contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals of working to eradicate hunger, promote good health and well-being, provide high-quality education, and establish sustainable economic growth and communities.
Goal 1
Collaborate with our customers and partners to create a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable world.
Goal 2
Contribute our experience, time, and money to reduce inequalities in communities around the world.
Goal 3
Grow the endowment of the Slalom Foundation to US$100M to make impactful grants in the future.
Creating positive impact in our communities
Community news & events