Q&A with Todd Sink: General Manager, London

Our leader in London opens up about where he gets his energy, staying curious, and finding a new home.
Todd, you’re at the helm of Slalom’s London office, which was our first office in Europe. How do you see Slalom’s presence growing in London?
We’re often described as the ‘best kept secret’ in business and technology consulting in London. As we help deliver transformative impact to more and more organisations, the secret won’t be kept for much longer!
We offer an alternative to the norm: Slalom is human-centric and purpose-driven in our approach. This resonates in London, a thriving and diverse community with a lot of heart.
Our fiercely human approach really must be seen in action, so it's important for us to create fresh environments for collaboration. Since we expanded our London Bridge office space in early 2023, we have made our office ‘home’ to our Slalom teams but also to our clients and partners too. It’s a thrill to watch the happy faces as they work together.
What drives you?
Time with our clients. Nothing gives me more energy than talking to clients and other business leaders about the transformations they wish to make. If we can help them grow and transform, that’s even better! I’m in a privileged position to be able to connect peers from a variety of industries, which helps them build greater momentum together. We have a community-focused approach.
For our Slalom team, I can say I’m driven – hand-on-heart – when I see everyone around me having a great day. Anyone in business will tell you how easy that is to say, and how hard it is to actually make possible. How many great days have we had in recent years? There’s an imbalance due to factors we can’t control. I am driven more than ever to regain that for as many people as possible.
The more smiles I see on others, the more I’ll smile in turn!
What’s your leadership style?
Being a leader is a privilege. As leaders, we are in a unique position to be able to make a positive impact on someone’s career and overall life.
How can I help every individual to find their voice? Or realise their strengths, even if they weren’t aware of them themselves? Leadership is about supporting each and every individual.
Next-level leadership is helping your teams to push past any doubts and go for it!
You joined Slalom in 2006, what first attracted you?
Slalom’s approach with people and with the local communities we work in. We meet to build relationships, not opportunities. If we focus on long-term positive impact for our clients, the purpose-driven opportunities will follow.
You have over 30 years of experience. How did you get your start in consulting?
I started as a developer in systems integration, and I wanted to fully understand the impact of the outcome we were creating with our clients, not just the job at hand. Great consultant and technologist behaviour puts the client at the centre of all we do, and that’s what brought my career to this industry.
When you get close to feeling the impact you have on clients, you cannot go back. It’s energising and exhilarating. Circumstances change around us, ambitions grow, opportunities appear. Slalom’s here when organisations need help.
You moved to the UK during a pandemic. How have you found it?
In just two years, London has truly become my home. I worked in Seattle for the previous 15 years. There are certainly similarities in weather but big differences in the public transportation and history of these cities.
My wife and I have been so struck by how friendly and open Londoners are. We really feel welcomed everywhere we go, and we take advantage of the buzzing restaurant and theatre scene.
London is also a fantastic gateway to the rest of Europe. We have family in France and try to take advantage of the proximity to the many other wonderful sights in Europe. Each trip we explore and learn. I try to take what I learn back into my work life – building a broader understanding of European community and culture.
In 2022 I had the privilege of running the London Marathon. This event gives all competitors and supporters an opportunity to experience the historic and modern aspects of London as well as the community aspects of the city.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
My dad used to always say, “You have two ears, and one mouth; use them proportionately.” Listening to a wide range of stakeholders is going to lead to a more purpose-driven outcome. My own interpretation of my father’s words: be curious.